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 6 VOLT RIDE ON TOY CARS:                                           

On the left, you can see my son enjoying a ride on a Dora the Explorer ride-on toy. Admittedly, it was a bit ambitious for a first ride-on, but at the time, I owned a large online toy store that specialized in—you guessed it—RIDE-ON TOYS! That was the year remote control ride-ons made their debut, and it was an absolute game-changer! I could put my one-year-old in the car and use the remote control to safely drive him around. Can it get any better than that? In hindsight, I think I was more excited about the idea than he was, but hey, it was all in good fun! 

And now, just look at how many remote control ride-ons are available—click here or there! It's unbelievable!

...ok, so 6 volt cars have come a LONG way!

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